Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This Totally (Almost) Happened (Part 2)

OK, here is the final inked version of the page I displayed in the last post.  I made some changes and repairs using a pencil, did some erasing and re-penciling, and then I inked.  I then erased some pencil lines using a kneaded eraser and then went back over spots that needed more ink.  You'll notice that I leave a blank/black space in the title.  I envisioned using this title panel again for other works, but I do not like how I inked the letters, so I think this was a one-off title panel. I may need to stick with computer-generated text.
Final inks

This is a problem I have encountered before.  I prefer Yasutomo ink when using a brush; however, if you leave even the slightest hint of non-reproducing blue colored pencil, then the Yasutomo ink tends to roll off the pencil marks.  Acrylic ink works better, but overall I prefer the Yasutomo.  So, what to do?  Well, first I should have been more vigilant and done a more thorough erasing job (of the blue pencil) before laying down final graphite pencils.  Yasutomo seems to have no problem laying on graphite pencil. Go figure.

I will say this, though.  I almost chickened out and started using a nib pen on some of these lines, but I ploughed ahead undaunted.  I used a Raphael kolinsky sable brush #0 for every line you see here.  All brush, baby.  I am more than a little proud of myself.  Are there issues and problems and some mislaid lines?  Sure, of course there are, but practice makes perfect, and I enjoyed every brush line of this drawing. Below is the scanned, lettered, half-toned final product.  I may go back and make this a robin's egg monochrome or a orange creamsicle monochrome like some of my other pieces, but for now it will stay gray.
Scanned, with text and half-tone effects added in Paint Shop Pro
Questions: How much of this story is true?  Not much, but the bar I drew from my memory impressions was very cool (The Perch Pub in Philly), and Gandhi was discussed briefly, and today I bought a new biography on Gandhi, so I think it is appropriate that I finish this piece tonight.  Was some lady really gabbing on like that? There was at least one lady and one guy who were way too loud and they were leaning on and bumping into the backs of people's chairs, so one or two people needed an elbowing.  What are those squiggly lines in panel #3?  I don't know, annoyance of some kind?  It looks more like spidey-sense, but I will go with annoyance.  That fight scene looks weird, what's up with that? I am not a connoisseur of manga and anime, but I do find it intriguing in Japanese (and Japanese-inspired) cartoons that when a character is in a state of high emotion, they change the art style, it becomes very sketchy and there is movement and the art is simplified.  It is odd.  So, I wanted the lady being pummeled to have those X'd out eyes and I wanted the moving arm to be fluid and "not quite there."  What are those things on the bar in that first panel?  Deviled eggs made with sriracha.  Delicious.

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