Friday, March 25, 2011

Cat Cult Concept Art (Part II)

Okay, so after a couple cups of coffee, I managed to stay up to ink this page and then scan it.  As you can see, there are no blue lines.  The outlines, the hash marks, the ruled lines, my hand-written notes: all gone, because I scanned in B&W mode, thus removing all the non-reproducing blue. 
I added some grays using the computer.  Quick stuff, just to throw some shadows in there.  It makes me think that an actual page (or maybe I will revise this one) should not depend on computer-added shadow.  I am thinking I should ink the shit out of this puppy.  Lots of shadow, lots of hatch-crossing, make it very dark so that the white space really stands out.  Draw in all the fluting of the columns, add some decorative motifs to the arches.  In other words, don't leave a single square inch of bristol board unscratched.


  1. I like this a lot. This is a pretty accurate version of the Duke I draw done in your own style. The backgrounds are also impressive. At first I thought that was God in the center of the bottom panel, but now I think I know who it really is.

  2. I went through at least half a dozen variations of Duke before getting to this one.


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