Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Case of the Super Secret Blog

All the black line work done entirely using sumi ink on a Raphael brand kolinsky sable brush #0.  Text added with Paint Shop Pro along with some very scant gray shadow.  It has become a personal goal of mine to have something that makes each and every panel stand out.  I still have not reached that level yet.  I think if you draw a close-up of a person, then the person should be expressing some emotion.  Eyes, eyebrows, mouth: you should be able to read something going on there, like a silent film.  Or, you should have movement of some kind.  I kind of cheat by adding movement "lines."  Like I said, a work in progress.  Or, you should have text obviously or some kind of more-polished composition--this would make sense when doing a full-page spread or a page wide panel instead of 3 panels across.  So, I will strive for one of those things being represented in each and every panel, either 1) Emotion OR 2) Viewable movement or action (kicking, punching would be good) OR 3) a finely drawn composition.  We'll see how this challenge works out.  I feel like I already strive for this, but it is easy for an okay idea have a decent thumbnail storyboard and then fall completely flat in the final product.
Progress: I kind of free-styles panel number 8: I only had very little pencils on it at all.  I would say 90% of panel 8 was done on the fly using the brush and ink and seeing where it would take me.  And, I did not feel compelled to use Wite-Out once on this piece, and my hands were relatively ink-free at the end of the night, which is a huge improvement.

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