Friday, March 11, 2011

Chronicle of a Date Foretold

I call this one: "Chronicle of a Date Foretold."

A dear friend informed me that my funniest comics are those that depict my own misadventures, which just goes to show that nothing is funnier than someone else's pain (or painful awkwardness).  So, below I submit 18 panels of odd thoughts and real-life happenings (sort of).  It's a story about making changes for the new year and bad timing, worse prospects, and dire predictions.  It's about tarot cards, and horoscopes, and misinterpretations, dragons, and robot butlers gone wild, sweaty-toothed madmen, and everyday silliness.  Enjoy.
"Chronicle of a Date Foretold" page 1
"Chronicle of a Date Foretold" page 2
Looking back at this piece, I do not like the fact that I appear so often in it.  It is one of the hazards of trying to depict internal thought.  It's kind of like a monologue or soliloquy, so do I just include the text on the page, make it like an occasionally illustrated short story? Or do I keep drawing my own bespectacled, bebearded self on the page?  It is a question worth thinking about.


  1. OMG, this was so funny! You are definitely over-analyzing the date. These things happen!
    btw - Dragons can swoop down at any time.

  2. That is why I recently bought Dragon Insurance. I got a good rate, too.

  3. Nice job, really liked the Tarot card art. I don't think you appeared too much at all--I expect to see our main character in the majority of the panels.


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