Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Busy February

So, we bid farewell to January 2012, and in comes February, and I am envisioning a lack of sleep this month.  Why, you ask?  Well, in addition to a 9-5 job, I have decided to pile on myself Herculean tasks (yes, I am being dramatic) to complete with various deadlines looming.  First, which I need to start tonight (coffee, anyone?), will be hammering out at least 1 of 10 comic strips for a contest whose deadline is this Saturday. The contest is brought to you by The Cartoonist Studio (@CartoonstStdio).

I am honestly not sure if I am going to make this one.  I gave up last week, but then I got an e-mail stating that the deadline is this Saturday, so I will see what I can get done.

The second thing I have to worry about completing is The Month of Letters Challenge.  As you may have seen from my "Delivered by Art" feature here on the blog, I love sending and receiving old-fashioned, hand-written mail, especially with artistic additions.  Since this does not require me to draw on every piece of paper or envelope (I can just write a letter), I should be able to work this one, but I would like to add art to as many posts as I can. Want to receive a letter from me, possibly with original art on it?  E-mail me your address at inkpuddle@hotmail.com.

And then there is the Narrative Magazine Winter Short Story Contest!  Why do I punish myself so?

Will I succeed?  Will I fall flat on my face?  Will this result in any good posts for Ink Puddle? Stay tuned.

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