Monday, March 7, 2011

Everything Old is New Again

Just today it was announced that President Obama was going to allow the continuation of military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center.  To read more, check out's coverage (Obama orders resumption of military commissions at Guantanamo).  It is sadly humorous that a cartoon I did years ago as a criticism of the alleged (are they alleged anymore or are they proven?) torture techniques used at Gitmo on  prisoners taken from our "war on terrorism" is just as relevant today.  It doesn't really matter is George W. Bush or Barack Obama is in charge, because the base still exists, it still houses supposed "enemy combatants" or any other foreign citizen that we feel like holding indefinitely.  Obama made an attempt to transfer the captives into the American criminal court system, but to no avail.
I was clearly focuses on the torture aspects, namely water boarding and the alleged use of electrodes in prisoner interrogation, and how the prison used the bizarre name of "Camp X-Ray" as if it were some kind of tourist destination or spa.  Actually, I have to hand it to myself.  I still find the "absolutely no solicitors" sign to be quite funny.  Do they allow lawyers at Gitmo today?  I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. I got a call from the Democratic Party yesterday thanking me for previous donations and asking if I would support President Obama with a new contribution. I took great pleasure in saying "Not until he closes Guantanamo Bay" and hanging up.


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