Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Coloring a Comic Book Page

If you do anything with comic books, you have probably been to Newsarama.  I am pretty pissed off at them right now, so they are not even getting a URL link.  They have the video below embedded on their site, but I am embedding straight from YouTube.  Why am I pissed?  I originally wanted to show the video of Jim Lee using the iPad to do a sketch of Wonder Woman, showing how the iPad can be used as a creative art tool.  Of course, it helps to be an awesome artist like Jim Lee, but anyway.  So, you can find the title of the intro with the video link through Newsarama's website, but the link is dead.  You can search Google, and again, dead.  If you look at the cached version through Google, you get teased with the image and video link, but again, dead.

But I digress.  Below is an awesome and informative video showing how Tony Avina, a professional comic colorist, colors a page. 

We can't all have a team of colorists laying down prep work for us, or have superfast computers with super expensive software, but there are options out there for the budget-minded digital artist.  That will have to be my next post: free or low cost graphic software.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not an artist that I thought that was a really neat video! But now I'm annoyed at Newsarama since would have liked to see the Lee/iPad clip.


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